We are pleased to announce that we have endorsed the "GX (Green Transformation) League * Basic Concept" announced by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry today.


GX League participating companies set high emission reduction targets to achieve carbon neutrality worldwide, and take on the challenge of transitioning to carbon neutrality as quickly as possible. It is necessary to promote efforts toward society reform while collaborating with various stakeholders..

Our group considers the response to climate change to be one of the most important issues that the entire group should tackle, and we are promoting efforts toward carbon neutrality, and we are proceeding with the consideration of medium- to long-term strategies, etc. through specialized organizations. We believe that the direction of these activities and the purpose of the GX League Basic Concept match, and have decided to endorse the "GX League Basic Concept".

In order to contribute to the realization of carbon neutrality by 2050, which is the goal of the Japanese government, the Group will continue to actively engage in initiatives through its endorsement of the GX League. We will contribute to the succession.

* GX (Green Transformation) League

Looking ahead to the realization of carbon neutrality and social transformation in 2050, companies that take on the challenge of GX and aim to realize sustainable growth in the present and future society will collaborate with companies that are making similar efforts, as well as government and academia.

[Reference] GX League Basic Concept (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry website)