Topy Industries, Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Nobuhiko Takamatsu, hereinafter "Topy Industries") has announced that Caterpillar's 2021 SQEP* (Supplier Optimal Quality System) ranks highest in wheels for mining equipment division. Obtained platinum certification for 10 consecutive years.


SQEP is a system in which Caterpillar Inc. certifies suppliers based on its own standards every year, and comprehensively evaluates various requirements. There are four levels of gold, silver and bronze, with platinum being the highest level, with clear certification standards.
This time, as a result of obtaining high evaluations in required items such as quality, production, and delivery, we have obtained platinum certification for 10 consecutive years since 2012. There are very few companies that have obtained platinum certification for more than 10 years in a row, and we consider this to be an honorable achievement.


Topy Industries will continue to promote improvement activities in the future, work to further increase the trust of our customers, and further enhance our comprehensive strengths.


* SQEP: Supplier Quality Excellence Process

[Photo] Supplier Certification Shield for wheels for mining equipment Division
[Photo] Supplier Certification Shield for wheels for mining equipment Division


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