Topy Industries, Ltd. (Head office: Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Nobuhiko Takamatsu, hereinafter "Topy Industries") announced that it has introduced the "Internal Carbon Pricing System" (hereinafter "ICP System") from April 2023. I will.

The ICP system allows companies to set their own carbon prices and convert their CO2 emissions into costs, thereby creating economic incentives for reducing emissions, changing internal awareness, and contributing to decarbonization and climate change. It is a mechanism that encourages action.

[Overview of the Topy Industries Group's ICP system]

In-house carbon price: 8,200 yen/t-CO2 (at the time of introduction)
Target of the system: Capital investment associated with changes in CO2 emissions
How to use: Use the amount of CO₂ emissions associated with target capital investment and R&D plans converted to costs by applying the in-house carbon price as a reference for making investment decisions.

Under Medium-Term Management Plan "TOPY Active & Challenge 2025", which started in FY2022, the Topy Industries Group has been considering the introduction of the ICP system with the aim of improving capital productivity indicators. In addition, we have formulated the long-term sustainability vision "TOPY Sustainable Green Vision 2050" to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050, and are working to realize a prosperous and sustainable society. Going forward, we will utilize the ICP system as one of the criteria for making environmental investment decisions, and accelerate efforts to strengthen our sustainable management base and achieve carbon neutrality.


Information related to the above matters is published on the following pages.


【Contact】 General Affairs Department Public Relations & Investor Relations Office TEL 03-3493-0777


Art Village Osaki Central Tower, 1-2-2 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-8634