We would like to inform you of the summary of the "2024 New Year's Greetings" for employees by Representative Director, President and CEO Hiromi Ishii as follows.

At the beginning of 2024, I would like to wish you a happy new year.
First of all, I would like to express my deepest condolences to those who lost their lives in the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake that occurred on New Year's Day, and my heartfelt sympathies to those affected and their families. I sincerely pray for a speedy recovery.
This year, in addition to rising geopolitical risks such as the deterioration of the situation in the Middle East, the Group is facing a number of factors, including the impact of the stagnation of the real estate market in China, fluctuations in the prices of raw materials and energy, and increases in logistics and labor costs. The business environment surrounding the Group is expected to remain uncertain. As this "age of uncertainty" continues, it is important to know how we will respond to sudden changes.
Under these circumstances, last year we steadily strengthened our earnings base by optimizing selling prices, improving our product mix, reducing costs through structural reforms, and steadily implementing various measures in Medium-Term Management Plan. Regarding business results in fiscal 2023, the surplus is expected to expand from the previous year, when the company achieved a V-shaped recovery.
This year marks the halfway point of Medium-Term Management Plan, "TOPY Active & Challenge 2025." As society demands sustainability and carbon neutrality, the Group must strive to increase profit margins by expanding its lineup of high-value-added products through improved quality, etc., in order to ensure sustainability. It is essential. On the premise of completing the various measures of Medium-Term Management Plan, it is necessary to take initiatives with an eye to the future.
In a highly uncertain social environment, let's change our mindset and work together as one in the Topy Industries Group to face challenges.


Change your mindset and move forward with “One Topy”!
~“TOPY Active & Challenge 2025” and beyond~

【Priority Issues】
1. Pursuing health, intrinsic safety, and quality through tangible thought and action and consideration
~ Zero accidents resulting in lost work time, eradication of the three embarrassing complaints (delivery of wrong product, wrong labeling, wrong quantity) ~

2. Restructuring overseas business and deepening domestic business foundation by strengthening alliances
~Promoting structural reforms, improving productivity, and optimizing selling prices~

3.Create new products and technologies by creating a culture of experimentation, obsession with technology, and a system for nurturing them.
~Accelerating the technology creation cycle with a spirit of challenge~

4. Creating a vibrant workplace through autonomous human resource development and job satisfaction reform
~From work style reform to improved job satisfaction~

5.Creating a corporate culture that is conscious of sustainability
~Understanding materiality (important issues) and promoting initiatives~