Governance and risk management


The Group has positioned the promotion of sustainability management, including climate change response, as one of its most important management issues, and has established a system of oversight by the Company's Board of Directors for such initiatives. Sustainability Strategy Committee (chaired by the director in charge of sustainability and meets at least twice a year in principle) oversees efforts to address climate change issues. The committee discusses and monitors important matters, including the formulation of basic policies and medium to long-term strategies, and reports and discusses the content of discussions and decisions to Executive Management Meeting and the Board of Directors.

Under this committee, we have established Sustainability Promotion Council and Carbon Neutral Promotion Council, which work together within the Group to formulate and implement specific sustainability measures.

Risk management

We manage environmental risks, including climate change issues, through the activities of our Risk Management Committee, Sustainability Strategy Committee, and Central Environmental Disaster Prevention Committee, as well as through the implementation of the ISO 14001 environmental management system. I'm here.

In particular, when identifying and evaluating risks, the committees listed below evaluate risks, narrow down major risks, determine countermeasures, and monitor the progress of those countermeasures. In addition, important risks are regularly reported to the Board of Directors.


Conducting scenario analysis

The Group will extract, analyze, and evaluate risks and opportunities from two scenarios regarding the global average temperature rise, the “less than 2°C scenario” and the “4°C increase scenario,” and will determine the impact on the Group’s business activities and countermeasures. We are considering.

Scenario analysis step

Reference scenario

About resilience

As a result of examining the resilience of the current strategy of the Group, we believe that our business is highly resilient to climate change by operating flexibly and strategically in the event that either the below 2°C or 4°C rise scenario becomes a reality.

Business and financial impacts and responses to climate-related risks and opportunities



metrics and goals


In addition to responding to Scope 1 and 2 through thorough energy conservation in the production process under the Energy Saving Meister System, we also continue to take on the challenge of achieving carbon neutrality by strategically addressing and promoting Scope 3 through company-wide efforts in technology, sales, production management, etc., which includes reducing energy consumption related to product transportation throughout the value chain and improving fuel efficiency by reducing the weight of wheels.  


CO2 emissions reduction roadmap


Scope 1: Direct greenhouse gas emissions by business operators (fuel combustion, industrial processes)
Scope 2: Indirect emissions associated with the use of electricity, heat and steam supplied by other companies
Scope 3: Indirect emissions other than Scope 1 and Scope 2 (emissions by other companies related to business activities)