Evolution type system

  • Ultimate time-saving can be realized by using together with the smart type system for troublesome tire change of mining vehicles.

This time comparison is the result of our own research, and varies depending on the operation site and individual.

In the case of evolution type system, the same combination of parts can be used for all positions (6).

New product introduction “Evolution type SGOR” (ETS)

Position to use: front, rear inner
feature : Safer and easier rim and tire handling


System comparison

Evolution type system Other advantages

a) At the mine site, we usually stock tires with BSB and SR in advance and wait for the timing of tire replacement. If you use the evolution type system, you can reuse the same combination for all positions.- quick

b) BSB and SR can be installed on the tire in advance, so it can be built into the vehicle, saving you the trouble of dropping parts and reassembling them.– safe and fast

Using dummy rims makes it easier to assemble BSB and SR to tires.

c) Eliminates the trouble of reversing tires to install BSB and SR.– safe and fast
d) An additional 10% time savings could be achieved by pre-arranging the tire, BSB, and SR set while the vehicle requiring the tire change arrives.- quick



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