Appropriate information disclosure

In Article 2 (For Society) of Group Code of Conduct, the Company stipulates, "Communicate with shareholders and society at large, actively disclose corporate information in a fair and appropriate manner, and cooperate with local communities. and actively engage in social contribution activities as a good corporate citizen." From the perspective of ensuring management transparency, we strive to disclose corporate information in a fair and equitable manner in accordance with relevant laws and regulations such as the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act.

Holding financial results briefings

We believe that giving investors an opportunity to directly explain business plans and financial results will help earn investors' trust. We hold financial results briefings, where Representative Director, President and CEO directly explains the details. This briefing session is streamed on the `` IR Library'' of shareholder and investor information.

Efforts to revitalize general meetings of shareholders

In order to make the General Meeting of Shareholders more active as a forum for communication between the Company, shareholders and investors, and to facilitate the exercise of voting rights, We are making various efforts, such as (1) improving and early dispatch of the Notice of the General Meeting, (2) posting the Notice of the General Meeting on the Internet, (3) introducing the exercise of voting rights via the Internet, and (4) providing convocation notices (summaries) in English.

Diversification of information dissemination methods (utilization of social media)

In order to disseminate information to a wider range of people, we are working to diversify information disclosure methods using social media. In February 2022, we established a "Social Media Policy" that stipulates the attitude and behavior that should be observed when operating official social media accounts, and also opened an official Twitter account. This account disseminates a variety of information, mainly our company's news releases and recruitment information.

Interview with institutional investors

The Company conducts interviews with institutional investors, including responding to IR interviews by institutional investors regarding financial results and engaging with them on topics such as ESG initiatives, and explains the Group's management status and various initiatives. I am. Regarding the content of the interviews, in addition to disseminating information to the directors, Audit & Supervisory Board Member, and the business management department in the form of a monthly report, we strive to provide feedback from the market to the company's management, such as by regularly reporting with analysis at Executive Management Meeting I am.

Dialogue with individual investors

Up until now, our company has mainly engaged in dialogue with individual investors by responding to individual inquiries, but from fiscal 2023, we are proceeding with efforts to enhance dialogue with the them by holding a booth at IR fairs for individual investors, etc.
We will continue to strive to strengthen dialogue with individual investors by enhancing information disclosure for individual investors and participating in IR events.