The Topy Industries Group positions intellectual property as a tool to support the sustainable growth of its business and defines it as not only patents but also know-how, and promotes stricter management of it while creating innovative intellectual property strategies through the visualization, analysis and utilization of intellectual property. 

  1. Encourage and promote intellectual property creation and rights acquisition activities within the Group.
  2. The intellectual property department works closely with the technology development department, production department, and sales department to acquire intellectual property rights that are directly linked to business.
  3. In order to achieve sustainable growth, we will periodically review the value of acquired intellectual property rights and utilize them in business development.
  4. Respect the intellectual property rights of third parties and do not infringe on those rights. On the other hand, we will take appropriate measures based on the law against unauthorized use of the intellectual property rights of our group.
  5. We will implement education on the legal system related to intellectual property and exchange information throughout the entire Group to raise awareness of the protection and utilization of intellectual property.