Toyokawa Plant, which manufactures automobile wheels and pressed products, was Topy Industries' first ISO14001-certified business site in November 1998.
It was also the first of the seven automotive wheel manufacturers belonging to the Japan Auto Parts Industries Association Wheel Technical Committee.


Basic Environmental Policy

  1. Compliance with legal and other requirements
    Thoroughly comply with environment-related legal and other requirements, and strive to coexist with the local community.
  2. Reduction of environmental load
    Through all corporate activities such as design, sales, purchasing, manufacturing, transportation, etc., we will conserve energy and resources, reduce waste and chemical substances, and implement continuous improvements to maintain and improve environmentally friendly manufacturing. Furthermore, we will promote activities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with global warming countermeasures.
  3. Providing environmentally friendly products
    We will consider the environment from the product design stage, strive to reduce the use of hazardous substances, and strive to provide environmentally friendly products.
  4. Raise environmental awareness
    All people working at Toyokawa Plant will be educated on basic concepts and roles related to the environment, and we will work to improve their environmental awareness so that they can act appropriately.