Our group actively holds training sessions led by external instructors and in-house human rights personnel, and also posts internal rules related to human rights, including harassment prevention guidelines, on the intranet, and incorporates various regulations related to human rights in work regulations, etc. We are implementing various initiatives to raise the awareness of human rights among executives and employees, and to establish a corporate culture that respects human rights, such as subjecting any violation of this policy to disciplinary action.

In addition, we have two whistleblower hotlines, Topy Industries Group Ethics Consultation Office and Topy Industries Group Compliance Hotline, which accept consultations and reports regarding human rights violations or suspected violations.

Training sessions on human rights held (our company + domestic and overseas group companies)

Number of events held in 2022

31 times

Number of locations in 2022

9 locations

*The number of training sessions and number of locations confirmed by our human rights department. In addition to the above, we are promoting initiatives to respect human rights at each group company and business site.

Status of compliance with labor standards regarding working hours, wages, etc. (our company)

Number of labor standards violations in 2022

0 items