wheels for mining equipment Evolution Type SGOR ®

鉱山機械用ホイールであるEvolution Type SGOR_{®}はホイール本体を鉱山機械から外すことなくタイヤを交換することが可能な製品で、鉱山機械の稼働率向上やメンテナンス時の作業効率性および安全性の向上といった鉱山事業者が求めるニーズに高い次元で応えるホイールです。


1)製品名:Evolution Type SGOR_{®}

2) Size: 57 inch, 63 inch

3) Weight: about 2 tons to 3 tons

4) Features

  1. Tires can be changed without removing the wheel body from the mining machine.
  2. Reducing the number of man-hours required for tire replacement not only shortens work time significantly, but also reduces dangerous work by improving work efficiency.
  3. It completely eliminates the use of impact wrenches and reduces the risk of causing vasomotor neuropathy (white finger disease).
Tire replacement work scene (tires can be replaced without removing the wheel body from the mining machine)
Scene of tire change work
(Tires can be replaced without removing the wheel body from the mining machine.)

Compact coil TACoil®

TACoil® is Japan's first compact coil made from high-density reinforced concrete steel bars.

TACoil® provides advanced solutions that contribute to resolving problems such as labor shortages, processing losses, and storage space issues that everyone involved in rebar processing faces.


1) Product name: TACoil®

2) Size: D10, D13, D16

3) Weight: 2 tons, 3 tons

4) Features

  1. By using it together with an NC processing machine, it greatly improves processing efficiency and contributes to resolving labor shortages.
  2. It is possible to reduce the loss during processing to the limit and improve the yield.
  3. The high density and compact size make it possible to save storage space. It also has excellent transportation efficiency.
  4. Even when drawn and used as straightened bars, it retains the same performance as existing deformed reinforcing bars.