My name is Hiromi Ishii, and I have recently assumed the position of President and CEO. I have been involved in the steelmaking business for many years, building up a 30-year career in the manufacturing site of steelworks and in the production Engineering Administration Department. Afterward, I worked in the head quater office and in the management of the overseas operation company.
When I receive this message from former President and CEO Takamatsu, I am humbled when I think about the heavy responsibility I have at this company, which has a wide range of businesses. I will do my best to carry on the management line that former President and CEO Takamatsu has spearheaded and aim for even greater heights.
Amidst the drastic changes in the current global and economic environment, in order to achieve sustainable growth while continuing to carry on good traditions, we will thoroughly discuss and implement what must be changed and what must not be changed. I believe it is necessary to continue
In the business environment surrounding the Group, there are increasing geopolitical risks such as the end of conventional globalization, the conflict between the United States and China, and the prolonged situation in Ukraine. Inflation is also becoming apparent, and combined with the labor shortage caused by the restrictions on socioeconomic activities due to the novel coronavirus, there is an urgent need to take measures such as optimizing labor wages.
It is clear that the conventional business model will not work in order to resolve the issues in executing Medium-Term Management Plan and ensure the sustainable growth of the company. It is extremely important to have the ability to respond to change with the intention of how to deal with it. We would like to continue to be a group that is trusted by society by continuing to actively take on challenges with a strong will to “change” whatever the environment, always taking on the challenge of new manufacturing, creating products and services with even higher added value. I think.
The Group has started Medium-Term Management Plan "TOPY Active & Challenge 2025", which will be implemented from fiscal 2022 to fiscal 2025. The four Group's Basic Strategies are "promotion of segment management," "strengthening of overseas earning power," "strengthening of Medium-Term Management Plan business base," and "contribution to decarbonization." We are steadily implementing measures to strengthen our earning power. In addition, we have established the long-term sustainability vision “TOPY Sustainable Green Vision 2050” to realize a prosperous and sustainable society in 2050, and we will create new value and solve social issues by leveraging the strengths of the Group. We are working to promote
We will continue to steadily promote the various measures of Medium-Term Management Plan and aim for sustainable growth of our business.