2020 March term |
2021 March term |
2022 March term |
2023 March term |
2024 March term |
Sales (million yen) | 263,305 | 225,121 | 271,178 | 334,496 | 333,992 |
Operating income (million yen) | 2,851 | △2,943 | △1,706 | 7,175 | 10,440 |
Ordinary income (million yen) | 3,597 | △575 | △1,401 | 8,043 | 10,462 |
Profit attributable to owners of parent (millions of yen) | △4,497 | 578 | 386 | 6,321 | 4,676 |
Net income per share (yen) | △191.42 | 24.70 | 16.61 | 276.51 | 204.88 |
Total assets (million yen) | 254,659 | 264,672 | 282,195 | 292,322 | 298,291 |
Net assets (million yen) | 103,800 | 108,385 | 113,703 | 121,425 | 140,988 |
Capital adequacy ratio(%) | 40.3 | 40.6 | 39.9 | 41.1 | 46.8 |
* The Company implemented a share consolidation of 10 shares into 1 share with October 1, 2016 as the effective date and dividend per share have been converted in light of this reverse stock split.