Please tell us about the origin of the company name.
At the time of Topy Industries' establishment, as a result of an internal public offering, the name was chosen because "In addition to the meaning of aiming for the top in each business field, the bright and dynamic wording is suitable for the new company."
When did your company start?
Miya Steelworks was founded in 1921, Tokyo Sharin Seisakusho Co., Ltd. was established in 1934, and after the merger of four companies in 1964, we have reached our current status.
For more information, please see "History". -
What does Topy Industries make?
We are a comprehensive manufacturer of metal processing that produces automobile wheels, track shoe, track, and various section steel in an integrated manner from materials to finished products. In addition, in order to create new pillars of earnings in fields other than metal processing, we will develop businesses such as synthetic mica, which is a raw material for cosmetics, and robots that make use of our suspension technology. We are working to make life easier.
What is Topy Industries' management philosophy?
Under Group Basic Philosophy, "Through the continuation and development of its business, the Topy Industries Group will broadly fulfill its responsibilities as a public institution and contribute to realization of a sustainable recycling-oriented society." At the same time, we aim to continue to be a global company that contributes to realization of a sustainable recycling-oriented society, earns the trust of our stakeholders for many years to come, and responds to the needs of the times.
For more information, please see "Corporate Philosophy."
What is your corporate governance system?
Our company is a company with a board Board of Corporate Auditors, and management is supervised and audited by the board of directors and Board of Corporate Auditors. In addition, the management function is divided into "management decision-making function" and "business execution function", and Operating Officer system has been introduced to revitalize management and improve efficiency.
The Company's Board of Directors (meeting once a month in principle, and from time to time as necessary) is comprised of 8 members, 5 executive directors and 3 outside directors.In addition to matters stipulated by laws and articles of incorporation, The committee makes resolutions on important company matters, including basic policies, and supervises management from an independent and objective standpoint. In addition, in order to ensure that the deliberations of the Board of Directors are carried out efficiently, Executive Management Meeting (held once a week in principle) consisting of directors, etc. deliberates in advance on matters to be resolved by the Board of Directors, and also discusses policies and policies for business execution. We also deliberate on plans and implementation and make appropriate management decisions.
Furthermore, in order to respond quickly to changes in the business environment, we have set the term of office for directors and Operating Officer to one year.
Board of Corporate Auditors is comprised of four members, two full-time corporate Audit & Supervisory Board Member and two Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member, and conducts fair and neutral audits.
In addition to statutory bodies, we have established voluntary bodies such as the Compensation Advisory Committee, Nomination Advisory Committee, Risk Management Committee, Sustainability Strategy Committee, etc., to strengthen governance functions. Going forward, we will continue to establish voluntary bodies as necessary to further enhance governance functions.
What kind of consolidated subsidiaries are there?
As of March 2023, we have 28 consolidated subsidiaries.
For more information, please see Topy Industries Group.
“Consolidated subsidiary” is listed after the company name.
When is the fiscal year end?
It is March 31st.
Where can I check past performance?
Past performance indicators can be viewed under "Performance/Financial Highlights."
For details on past and recent business results, please see "Financial Results/Briefing Materials" and "annual securities report /Quarterly Report." -
Where can I find financial data?
Please check "Performance/Financial Highlights".
Where is the stock exchange listed?
These are the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market and the Nagoya Stock Exchange Premier Market.
What is your securities code?
The securities code is "7231".
When is the dividend record date?
The year-end dividend is on March 31st and the interim dividend is on September 30th.
Please tell us your thoughts on dividends.
Our basic policy regarding profit distribution is to return profits to shareholders in accordance with consolidated business performance and to increase internal reserves for future business development and strengthening our corporate structure. Regarding internal reserves, we will allocate them to new business investments and the development of new technologies and products in order to achieve long-term and stable business development, and strive to strengthen our corporate structure and international competitiveness. The indicator for profit return according to consolidated performance is 30 to 35% of net income attributable to parent company shareholders, excluding one-off gains and losses that do not involve changes in cash and deposits, which is sufficient to maintain stable dividends. The decision will be made after careful consideration.
Regarding the frequency of dividends, the Company's basic policy is to pay dividends from surplus twice a year: an interim dividend and a year-end dividend. Furthermore, regarding the decision-making body, the Articles of Incorporation stipulate that ``Based on the provisions of Article 459, Paragraph 1 of the Companies Act, dividends of surplus may be made by resolution of the Board of Directors.''
How many shares are in one trading unit?
What is the total number of issued shares?
24,077,510 shares. For other details, please see "Stock Information".
Do you have a shareholder benefit plan?
We provide traffic accident insurance, original catalog gifts, or donations to social welfare organizations based on the number of shares held by shareholders listed in the shareholder register as of the end of March and September every year.
For more information, please see "Shareholder Benefits."
What procedures should I follow regarding registration address changes, handling of shares less than one unit, etc.?
Please contact the securities company where the shareholder has an account.
Shareholders who have opened a special account for reasons such as owning stock certificates should contact Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited Stock Transfer Agency Department (0120-782-031), the account management institution for special accounts. Please contact us.
I haven't received my dividend yet, when will my rights expire?
Dividends cannot be paid after three full years from the payment start date due to the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation, so please receive them as soon as possible.
Who is the shareholder registry administrator?
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited.
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited Stock Transfer Agency Department
0120-782-031 (toll-free)