The purpose of this website is to provide shareholders and investors with information on our company's management policies, plans, financial conditions, etc to understand. It is not intended to solicit and recommend investments such as the purchase and sale of our company's stock. 


The information posted on this website, other than past historical facts, represents the future outlook of the Company and the Group based on the judgment of the Company's management based on currently available information, and contains risks and uncertainties. Therefore, please be aware that actual results may vary due to various factors and may differ significantly from forecasts.


In addition, this website may not include all of the information disclosed by the Company to financial instruments exchanges, etc., or may use expressions that differ from the disclosed information. Please note that the content may be changed or deleted.


Even thouh we take the utmost care when posting information on this website, when there is an error in the posted information, or when a failure occurs due to falsification of data by a third party and data download, etc, please note in advance that the Company shall not be held responsible for any such matters, regardless of the reason.


Please understand the above and make investment decisions at your own risk.