We believe that active and constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors is important for sustainable growth and medium- to long-term improvement of corporate value.
Directors, etc. who oversee dialogue with shareholders
In order to promote constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors, the Company has appointed the director in charge of General Affairs Department as the general manager of IR, and General Affairs Department has an IR manager.
Coordination of internal departments for dialogue
When engaging in dialogue with shareholders and investors, top management, General Affairs Department, Finance and Accounting Department, and Corporate Planning Department work together to discuss the details.
Enhanced IR
We hold financial results briefings for institutional investors and analysts attended by top management every six months. In addition to IR briefings and individual IR interviews, we are striving to enhance the content of our IR activities, including posting briefing materials on our website and sending them to our shareholders.
dialogue feedback
Opinions obtained through dialogue with shareholders/investors are reported to senior management as appropriate.
Management of insider information
Regarding insider information, we have established regulations to regulate insider trading and strictly manage it.