TOPY Active & Challenge 2025
~Let's keep building the next Topy 100-year spirit~
In order to realize our vision for 2030, we have formulated a new Medium-Term Management Plan "TOPY Active & Challenge 2025," with a backcasting perspective for the execution period from fiscal 2022 to fiscal 2025. Based on the business foundation built in the previous Medium-Term Management Plan, we will strive to further strengthen profitability, pursue innovation for the next growth, and respond to carbon neutrality, thereby contributing to a sustainable society. We aim to further improve our corporate value.
(1) Transformation of earning power to solidify existing businesses
② Pursue innovation for further growth
③ Contribution to a sustainable society through business activities
Adopting “promotion of segment management,” “strengthening of overseas earning power,” “strengthening of domestic business foundation,” and “contribution to decarbonization” as Group's Basic Strategies, we will steadily execute our business strategy and realize business growth.
"business strategy", "financial strategy" and "Sustainability Strategy" are the key strategies.
We have set the three basic ideas (strategic foundations) that will serve as the common core for executing the basic strategies of each Group's Basic Strategies and Three key strategies based on them: sustainable growth, structural reform, and strengthening the business foundation. increase.

We will promote management decision-making with an awareness of capital costs and business portfolio management, and work to improve corporate value. As a measure to improve capital productivity indicators from a medium- to long-term perspective, we are considering introducing an investment efficiency evaluation "ICP" (Internal Carbon Pricing) by reviewing the selection criteria for capital investment, pursuing optimization of the business portfolio, and consolidating We will maximize profits.
In addition to steadily reaping the benefits of the structural reforms implemented in the previous Medium-Term Management Plan, we will strive to strengthen and stabilize profitability by expanding high-value-added products, further promoting structural reforms, and strengthening overseas business by expanding sales channels. In addition, to achieve sustainable growth, we will promote management efficiency through the use of smart factories and DX, and take on the challenge of developing new fields such as the development of products for EVs.
We will expand sales of high-value-added products and innovate production technology by deepening our unique technologies, and promote efforts toward carbon neutrality.
We will appropriately invest in “people” to maximize the power of human resources, and achieve sustainable growth of the Group by intensively utilizing limited human resources.
In order to generate stable profits through the use of DX, we will implement awareness reforms (operational reforms) and environmental improvements through the promotion of DX.
While maintaining the soundness of our financial base, we will invest in our main businesses and growth businesses, and work to improve shareholder returns.
By linking initiatives based on the Basic Sustainability Policy and materiality (important issues) with the issues of TOPY Active & Challenge 2025, we will create new value that leverages the Group's strengths and implement sustainability management that seeks to resolve social issues.
item |
Fiscal 2021 results |
Target for 2025 |
Operating profit margin |
△0.6% |
4.5% or more |
11.1 billion yen |
32 billion yen |
Return on equity (ROE) |
0.4% |
8.0% or more |
ESG perspective |
Evaluation index |
Numerical goal |
Environment |
CO_{2}排出量 |
Aiming for a 46% reduction compared to FY2013 (FY2030)* |
Social |
Ratio of female managers |
10% or more (FY2030) |
Number of occupational accidents in Japan |
Aim for 0 every year (more than lost time accident) |
Governance |
Number of serious compliance violations |
Continuing 0 cases every year |
* Scope 1 & 2 of our company and domestic group companies are covered.